Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure, a sustainable infrastructure company that manages renewable energy and other energy and water assets, ended the first nine months of the year with net income of $46.1 million (43.6 million euros), compared with a loss of $9.5 million (€9.0 million) for the same period in 2022.

In addition, the company retained positive income figuresamounting to 858.6 million dollars (811.9 million euros) compared to 858.4 million in 2022, as well as a gross operating result (Ebitda) of 627.3 million dollars (593.3 million euros).

Increasing renewable energy production

In the first nine months of 2023, the renewable energy portfolio output increased by 5.5% compared to the same period in 2022, mainly due to growth in production of solar assets in Spainwhere solar radiation was higher, and the contribution of assets that had recently come online.

Likewise, the board of directors approved this Wednesday a dividend of $0.445 (0.42 euros) per share, which is expected to be paid to investors on December 15th.