Promise from ISOE To CKD transfer service Rodalies in full to Generalitat of Catalonia and the transfer of ownership of some infrastructure has strengthened the union bloc formed a few weeks ago against the shipping company’s election. MSK as an industrial partner Renfe Products.

Rail unions present on the joint committees of Renfe and Adif (the infrastructure administrator) unanimously agreed on Tuesday to convene five days of strike (November 24 and 30, and December 1, 4 and 5) in light of decisions that the government intends to implement that affect both public companies.

On the one hand, they accuse the operator of being dependent on the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Development, which he now heads. Rachel Sanchez about the “secret privatization” of a cargo company. On the other hand, they denounce that the agreement concluded with the ERC will mean “the separation of services provided by state-owned public companies.”

Employee representatives at both companies believe that both strategies “involve poor decisions and deficit for the state treasury”this will end”duplication of expenses”They will also harm,” they add, “the rights of workers and the functioning of the railway system.”

The unions condemn that the process, which will affect the operator’s freight subsidiary, will mean the awarding of “new vehicles, services and service contracts to a private company”. At the moment, the operation is in its early stages, during which the assets of the Renfe subsidiary are being assessed.

The deal with the Swiss giant will later have to be approved by the Government’s Delegated Commission on Economic Affairs, at which point rail sector sources take it for granted that it will have to be reviewed by competition authorities, either the CNMC or the European Commission. It’s not for nothing that MSC works in Spain in the field of cargo transportation together with the company Medway, the fourth largest company by business volume, was born seven years ago after the purchase of the Portuguese state-owned freight company (CP Carga). Finally, you must receive final approval. Council of Ministers.

The pact with the shipping company will be concluded with the subsidiary company Medlog, through a mixed company owned 50%. Sources familiar with the talks say Renfe will continue to operate 100% as a public company. Although they do not detail the size or scope of assets and business portfolio. Workers who transfer to the new company will be offered the opportunity to return to the state-owned operator if they wish.

Regarding the investment agreement of the socialists with the Catalan independence forces, the trade unions believe that it will imply an “investment agreement” of the socialists with the Catalan independence forces. separation of companies Renfe and Adif are motivated by the transfer of Rodalies and the transfer of railway infrastructure.” In this sense, they add that this would mean removing “a sufficient portion of the lines from the RFIG” (Railway Network of General Interest). A priori, the Investiture in the pact stipulates that only those lines will be transferred where there is no other traffic other than commuter traffic.

The Renfe committee represents the train drivers’ union (SEMAF), as well as the UGT, CCOO and CGT unions, as well as the Railway Workers’ Union (SF). CCOO, UGT, CGT, SF and the Union of Railways (SCF) are represented in Adifa.

Minimum services

This Wednesday, at a joint press conference, they will detail the details of the strikes, the scale of which will be determined by the minimum services set by the Ministry of Transport. In previous cases, they accused Mitma of imposing undue minimum services that limited the effectiveness of the pressure measure. The acting minister met on Monday with representatives of major trade unions and on Tuesday assured that “the government, as specified in the agreement, will guarantee their rights and working conditions, and labor mobility will be ensured.”

“Renfe does not intend to disappear from Catalonia. What we are doing completes a process that began in 2010, responding to certain differences in the transfer of economic resources and defining the sections that can be transferred,” he concluded. A few months ago, the head of Transport argued that the complex transfer was illegal. The state-owned operator has 2,500 employees and 270 trains in the region.