Amara NZerowhose majority shareholder is the investment fund Cinven, signed an agreement to acquire the American company SunrgiyThe purchase was formalized within the framework of the business plan developed by the company, within which expansion in the American market plays an important role, the company said, without specifying the volume of the transaction.

Sunrgy is one of the largest solar energy firms in the state. Texas. The company is headquartered in the Greater Houston area with logistics centers located in Houston And Dallas from where they also serve clients from other states. In 2022, the company generated a turnover of more than $60 million (approx. €55.8 million) and a gross operating result (Ebitda) of $4.5 million (approx. €4.2 million).

Thus, Amara NZero will work in USA under the Sunrgy solar energy brand, and Neil Desai, founding partner and current CEO, who remains in his role, will lead the company’s expansion in North America. The remaining businesses operating in the US market will continue to operate under the Amara NZero USA brand.

“For us, the United States is a strategic market and we believe that the experience and proven success of a company like SUNRGY is the best platform to strengthen our solar expansion; We strongly believe in the strong capabilities of the entire team and Neil Desai,” he says. Gonzalo Errejon, CEO of Amara NZero Group.

“The goal is to reach $500 million in sales in the United States by 2027, and to achieve this goal, we will expand the business through significant investments that will include new openings across the country, equipped with powerful teams of professionals, digital tools and inventory. We are committed to becoming the benchmark for solar energy in North America,” he added.

Amara NZero is currently present in the solar business in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Brazil and Mexico, with a presence in 11 countries after recently opening its delegations in Colombia, Bulgaria, Romania and Greece.