The trail of storms that hit Spain, leaving behind heavy rain and strong winds, once again leaves good news for those consumers who have entered into a regulated electricity tariff. And this Sunday users will be able to enjoy free electricity up to 16 hours.

The availability of renewable energy sources and independence from gas for a significant part of the day means that the cost of a megawatt per hour is completely off the charts. Specifically, our electrical system will rely on hydraulics and wind.

It thus remains in the range of annual minimums where it has been since last Wednesday, November 1, due to the high contribution of renewable energy sources – mainly wind and hydro – to power generation.

In terms of time intervals, another day will be lived with clocks at zero euros per MWh, namely the entire period from midnight to 18:00. Maximum price, 25.02 EUR/MWh.Registration will be from 21:00 to 22:00.

Thus, the pool remains at the historically low prices it recorded in late October and early November, driven by ongoing storms across the peninsula and lower demand heading into the weekend.