Last summer, Andalusia received 2.26 million tourists, 12,568 fewer than in the same month in 2019, when the historical record was broken. August was the second month with the highest number of travelers and overnight stays. in Andalusian hotel establishments since at least 1999, according to a study of the situation in the hotel tourism sector by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

In this sense, it is planned that Demand for tourism professionals is growing and sectors such as restoration or hospitality must be professional as soon as possiblesince more than half of the workers do not have a title corresponding to the work they do.

The hospitality industry continues to face the challenge of professionalizing a large proportion of its workforce, leading to more than half of the templates do not have the correct title to the work they do. According to CaixaBank Dualiza, vocational training professionals make up 20% of the hospitality industry, while university students make up only 10%. To cover this need, the Junta of Andalusia has provided a subsidy for the training of workers and job seekers in the hospitality and tourism sector, with Coremsa Formacion being the providing organization.

The training group provides an extensive catalog of fully subsidized courses to enhance the skills of hospitality and tourism professionals. These training programs are designed for job seekers living in Seville who seek to specialize in areas such as: basic kitchen operations, kitchen management and production, culinary technology, service management in the restaurant sector and customer service in restaurants. These courses aim to professionalize processes in the hospitality sector, thereby increasing the employability of students and benefiting both employers and the overall quality of tourism services in Spain.

Coremsa Formación, part of the Coremsa group, values need for quality training in all sectors. With his extensive experience in regulated training and international promotion, he is a key player in improving the quality of the workforce in the tourism and vocational training sector.