Oney, the European fractional payments and finance company, has unveiled its new white paper analyzing trends in payment methods and how they are driving commerce. One of its main conclusions is that it is expected that BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) or deferred payment grow approximately rates 25% in the coming yearsuntil its market share ranges from 2% now to 3.50% in 2025.

In this work, the company relied on its own research and knowledge of the market, consumption and the evolution of payment methods to analyze the revolution that is taking place in the direction deferred payments and digitalizationV Key sector to boost trade.

According to the Oney report “The present and future of payment methods”, 33% of Spaniards have already used deferred payment in recent years. In addition, the survey highlights that another 18% recognize the possibility of its use and favors it. In turn, 60% of respondents considering financing their purchases said they consider BNPL the best option for splitting their payments.

He ‘e-commerceAccording to Oni’s research, this is the environment in which BNPL enjoys the most acceptance. 52% of respondents achieved their goal deferred purchases via the Internetcompared to 34% who used BNPL only in a physical store and 14% who used it in both channels. In terms of the type of products for which deferred payment was used, 41% of respondents used it for household items, 37% for appliances and 31% for travel.

In addition, the document developed by Oni reflects the importance of inflation in purchasing decisions and how payment methods can become a tool for improving the financial organization of the population. This is recognized by 80% of those surveyed, who said the next Christmas shopping decisions would be under the influence of inflation.

“BNPL makes consumption easier by making certain purchases more affordable and allowing consumers to balance their personal finances. Just as credit is vital to economic development, means of payment are vital to consumption. In this way, they increase consumer power, paying great attention to the younger segment,” Alexandre Lima, Director of Marketing and Data at Oney Spain.


The white paper emphasizes that since that young people have greater purchasing powerthey will go adaptation of other payment methods. In this sense, it is expected that in the short term, mobile payments (or tap payment), which currently has a penetration of 21.3%, will continue to be one of the most relevant methods.

According to Oni’s research, new generations no longer handle cash, but they have a strong interest in cryptocurrencies and tokens. Moreover, they note that the credit card seems archaic to them and that soon the need to save passwords will also become archaic.

Thus, it is expected that New trends in payment methods continue to emerge, without forgetting that some of the already established companies have enormous growth potential. Mobile phones, PSP (payment service provider) integration, instant payments or business globalization have already entered the daily lives of consumers and will continue to grow.

Electronic show

Oney presented its white paper The present and future of payment methods holding an event to present the report to clients and partners as part of the e-Show e-commerce fair, where it was presented with a stand and presentation on BNPL by Alexander Lima, where explained the benefits of BNPL as an alternative payment method and its impact on sales and customer satisfaction.

The white paper is a work in which They analyzed the market reality and the main trends, carrying out extensive research work to capture the opinions and experiences of customers in Spanish society. The surveys of several thousand citizens who completed in-depth interviews were conducted in the days leading up to Christmas and the summer holidays, two of the biggest annual spending times for families, even higher than back-to-school or January sales. . The report and summary can be downloaded from the Oney press center.