Iberdrola recorded a net profit of 3.637 million euros through September, representing an increase of 17.2% compared to the same period last year – 22.4% excluding the extraordinary profit received from the sale of part of the business in Mexico, it indicated company. .

Gross operating result (Ebitda) of an energy company led by Ignacio Sanchez Galan grew by 13.2% to €10.783 million at the end of September, driven by higher production volumes, higher load factors and operational efficiencies, and lower energy purchases.

Iberdrola’s gross investment reached €10,842 million in the last 12 months, with RAB growth in the network business of 9% to €41,200 million, and 3,100 renewable megawatts (MW) installed in the last twelve months until the total capacity reached 41 300 MW.

Given these results at the end of September, Iberdrola forecast double-digit net profit growth in 2023 (excluding any additional capital gains from asset rotation). So this indicates new profit record for this yearafter a profit of 4.339 million euros in 2022. Assets will reach 150 billion euros in 2023.

For its part, the group’s adjusted net financial debt at the end of September amounted to €47,951 million, an increase of 8.3% compared to September 2022, thanks to investment efforts during the period and exchange rate movements.

Company President Ignacio Sanchez Galan believes that the implementation of the strategy presented last November “allows the group to grow, maintain financial strength and increase dividends.”

Dividends increased by 11%

Thus, having already reached the minimum level of dividends for 2025 this year, the energy company is increasing the interim dividend for 2023, which will be distributed in January, by 11%, to 0.20 euros per share, compared to 0.18 euros for 2022 year.

Additional dividends will be added to this amount as soon as they are approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The total dividend accrued for 2022 has already reached the minimum set for 2025 in the strategic plan announced last November.