Spain created 209,100 jobs in the third quarter of this year, which, together with an increase in the active population of more than 300,000 people, led to an unemployment rate of 11.84%, according to the results of the survey of the active population (EPA), which was carried out by . known this Thursday. The INE statistics also reflect a new decline in the temporary employment rate to 17.2%, three points below the figure recorded in the same quarter last year.

In addition, a total of 21.26 million people are working, a record number but marked by an increase in the active population. The number of registered unemployed people increased by 92,700 people to 2,855,200 people. Compared to last year, this is good news, because over the past 12 months unemployment has decreased by 125 thousand people (-4.20%). On the other hand, between July and September last year, employment increased by almost 61,000, while unemployment increased by 78,000.

Summer is usually a good time for the job market. The development of tourism and hospitality creates new jobs and reduces the number of unemployed, although this last point was not achieved this year due to an increase in the active population. Despite this, the rise in unemployment is modest in the context of inflation and war in Russia and Ukraine, which continue to shape the international economic outlook.

“The good evolution of the labor market continued in the third quarter of the year, despite the difficult international context, reflecting the strength and dynamism of the Spanish economy, which favors families and companies. A new historical maximum in employment and the active population has been reached, temporary employment is falling, and youth unemployment registers its lowest level since 2008,” emphasized representatives of the Ministry of Economy, headed by Nadia Calviño, who is now in power.

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