Alberto Nunez Feijoo For several months he has been talking to people in the economic field. In addition to casting, to find a team that can take the ministerial portfolios if Feijoo arrives in Moncloa after the July 23 elections, the leader of the people listens and advises some wise numbers. Some of them are already in the popular ranks, while others are members of the Reformism 21 Foundation or are even in the circle of friends of the popular president.

It is taken for granted in the PP environment that Juan Bravo, already chosen by Feijoo as Deputy Economy Minister, will take up the treasury portfolio in a hypothetical people’s government. Bravo He left his post in the Andalusian Junta de Juanma Moreno to devote himself exclusively to Genoa.. Among his accomplishments, noted by the leader of the PP, are lowering taxes and improving government spending.

The former adviser has public administration experience, and the portfolio guaranteed to him is Feihoo’s way of maintaining certain regional quotas. It should be noted that in Andalusia the President of the PP found one of his great supporters in the person of Juanma Moreno. The general coordinator appointed by the candidate, Elias Bendodo, hails from the same region.

Consulted sources rule out that the Galician intends to create macro ministry which groups the spheres of activity of economics and finance. For this reason, the same voices point to a number of names that could end up in the headlines of the Ministry of Economy.

The government does not feel "compelled" to sell Bankia and is prioritizing the return of aid.
Former Economy Minister Roman Escolano.

One of these names Roman Escolano. The last minister of economy of the government, Mariano Rajoy, is in the popular pools. In addition to his brief stint in the portfolio, Escolano also has European experience, having served as Vice President European Investment Bank (EIB) in the period from 2014 to 2018. This aspect must be taken into account during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Those who know him emphasize the prestige attributed to him in the economic world and his way of working, which creates a good atmosphere. Escolano currently works for the EIB in the area of ​​risk oversight.

Pablo Vasquez, president of Reformismo 21

IN reformism 21a foundation recently introduced as Feijóo’s advisory board, two names stand out: Pablo Vazquez and Luis Garicano. The first, Galician, will enter the PP lists and is also the president of Reformismo 21. He is one of those with whom Feijoo usually talks about economic issues. He was part of the cabinet of President José María Aznar from 1996 to 1998 and He was President of Renfe from 2014 to 2016. Interviewed sources note that his choice to head the fund is not accidental, and assure that he will take the appropriate position in the Feihoo team.

Former Ciudadanos MEP Luis Garicano

From my side, Luis Garicano He also postulates himself as one of the economic gurus who will surround the NP president if he manages to win the election and become prime minister. Garicano resigned his record as Ciudadanos representative in the European Parliament in July 2022 and has been a professor at Columbia University in New York ever since. However, various sources tell this newspaper that Garikano’s signing to a key position in the Feihoo team does not enjoy the support of the PP structure, which believes that the popular have other better options than what was one of the most important members. Ciudadanos.

CEOE Foundation President Fatima Banez.

Escolano is not the only former minister with whom Feijoo speaks regularly. fatima banez, who was Minister of Labor under Mariano Rajoy, routinely shares documents and labor market information with the popular president. For this reason, sources familiar with these conversations indicate that Banez, who is now president of the CEOE Foundation, may again take over the Feijoo portfolio.

Iñigo Fernandez de Mesa, President of the Economic Research Institute.

Also in the CEOE environment and with a more technical than political profile, he appears in pools Inigo Fernandez de Mesa. Votes polled stress that Feijoo appreciates not being affiliated with the party, although he was Secretary General of the Treasury and Financial Policy at the Ministry of Economy and then Secretary of State for Economics along with Mariano Rajoy. Fernandez de Mesa could take the economic portfolio, as he already knows the structure of this ministry and has macroeconomic knowledge.

Rosa Sanchez Yebra, director of Abanca.

From what was the Ministry of Economy of Luis de Guindos, who resigned himself to return to the government in the event of a PP victory, there is another recurring name: Rosa Sanchez Yebra. It was Sánchez Yebra who succeeded Fernández de Mes as head of the treasury when he was appointed secretary of state. According to the sources consulted, in addition to his economic profile and public administration experience, he is very close to Feihoo from his circle of friends. She is currently the director of Abanca.

Marta Fernandez Curras, EY Tax Partner in Galicia.

In the same spirit, and also with the absolute confidence of Feihoo, he appears in the pools. Martha Fernandez Kurras. Fernández Curras currently works in the private sector as a tax partner in Galicia and a public sector partner at EY consulting firm. However, before this and the arrival of Mariano Rajoy in the government, he was adviser Treasury with Feihoo. Fernandez Curras stands out for her technical profile, she is also an inspector of the treasury and a state comptroller.

Other names that were on the buzz in economic circles, such as the governor of the Bank of Spain, Pablo Hernandez de Kos or the president of the Independent Financial Responsibility Authority (AIReF) were removed from office in public statements.