Airport manager Aena leaves behind 475 million losses in 2021 and makes a net profit of 901.5 million euros in 2022. Mauritius Lucena served a total of 243 million passengers through its network of airports in Spain, representing an 88.5% recovery in traffic in 2019, the last year before the pandemic. And for this 2023, the company has revised its estimate and believes it can manage 94 to 104% of passengers than it did before the pandemic, when the original range was 87 to 97%.

In 2022, the total consolidated revenue was 4,237.5 million euros, which is 69.3% more than in 2021. Aviation revenue was €2,418 million, up 81.5% on 2021. increased by 37.5% over the year and is now 1% higher than in 2019.

Gross operating result (Ebitda) amounted to 2,078.9 million euros, which is 2,185.4% more than in 2021 (91 million). As reported in National Stock Market Commission (CNMV), Aena will propose to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on April 20 to distribute a gross dividend of €4.75 per share, charged to FY 2022 results. In addition, the Group’s consolidated accounting net financial debt will decrease to EUR 6,242.9 million from EUR 7,446.3 million at the end of 2021.

If data from Luton Airport is included (London) and out of six
Aisne airports Brazilthe number of passengers is 270.7
million (+98.5% compared to 2021), which is equivalent to recovery
88.1% of 2019 traffic.

Changes in the dome

This Monday, Aena’s Board of Directors approved an increase in the number of Vice Presidents of the Board of Directors to two and an adaptation of the company’s corporate structure to the objectives of its Strategic Plan (2022-2026). To this end, he creates a new figure of an executive vice president, who will play until now the CEO of airports and the chief executive. Javier Marinwho will be replaced by the Director of Airport Planning and Regulation, Elena Mayoral.

Marin will report to the President and CEO of the company, Maurici Lucenaand will be responsible for direct oversight of the company’s two Directorates General (Airports Directorate General and Commercial Real Estate Directorate General) and the Innovation, Sustainability and Customer Service Division.

For her part, Lucena will retain all executive functions, for which reason she will chair the board of directors, manage relations with directors and be responsible for the effective management of the company on a day-to-day basis.

Independent Director and Coordinator Jaime Terceiro Lomba will serve as First Vice President (non-executive); while Javier Marin was also named Second Vice President in addition to Executive Vice President. On the other hand, director Eva Balleste Morillas submitted her resignation in order to fulfill the new responsibilities that were assigned to her as a director in State ports.

airline incentives

On the other hand, the company receives a commercial incentive similar to that which it offered to airlines before pandemic. It will apply during the 2023 summer and winter seasons, which cover the period from 1 April to 31 October (summer) and from 1 November to 31 March 2024 (winter).

“This scheme encourages new routes to unserved destinations, route growth at airports with less than 3 million passengers, and route growth to Asia,” explains the airport manager.

The stimulus is made up of 100% airport tax refund passenger corresponding to the number of passengers of each company opening routes to destinations not served by the airport or growing (in relation to the previous equivalent season), on routes operating at airports with a passenger flow of less than 3 million people or with a destination in Asia.

The maximum number of passengers that is encouraged by each company has a limit set by the number of passengers that the airline grows at the airport and in the general network.