vodafone strives to open up new markets. The telecommunications company is implementing its first project in Europe, in which customers can experience 4G or 5G without the need to modify the terminal network via satellite.

In November 2022, Vodafone announced the successful deployment of the BlueWalker 3 communications satellite and plans to test it in cooperation with AST SpaceMobilewhich is building the first and only mobile satellite broadband network for unmodified mobile phones.

In particular, a satellite that is already in space takes just 90 minutes to circle the Earth, the company explained at its premiere at Mobile World Congress.

In this sense, Vodafone sends a clear message to the market about its commitment to providing connectivity in rural areas of Spain, as any user of a telecommunications company will be able to have a quality network thanks to satellite.

The new technology, according to the company, has as its main goal “to provide connectivity to users from space at broadband speeds, regardless of their location, including rural, sea, air or hard-to-reach areas, provided in case of emergencies, natural disasters or humanitarian disasters.”

“This is a revolutionary solution that can complement traditional flooring and is ideal for homes and businesses in the Spanish countryside. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to the services and benefits of the digital society, no matter where they live,” explains Giulia Velasco, Network Director of Vodafone Spain.

The company estimates that once the project is completed, the current terrestrial coverage in Spain could increase by up to 95% due to the benefits of this innovative satellite technology.

At the moment, the association between the two companies has not specified when the project will become a reality in the Spanish market. However, they noted that “Spain is a priority” and will be one of the first countries where the technology can be real. During 2023, 5 satellites will be launched, and in 2024, as specified, “dozens” of artifacts will swarm in space to continue testing.

Attractive market

The rural market has become a top priority for telecommunications companies as the sector continues to feel the effects of the price war.

According to Eurona, more than 5.5 million people still do not have Internet access in Spain. According to the report How empty Spain spends time online, 88.1% of our country’s population has a hotspot, so 5.6 million Spaniards cannot connect regularly.

Residents in rural areas connect to the Internet 10% less per day than the Spanish average. They use instant messaging apps 9% less and email 13% less, stream music 12% less and watch 10% less video, visit media sites 8% less and do 13% less video calls.

Competition for customers in rural Spain has begun to take shape as other local operators such as Avatel have already announced significant investments in the coming years. Just a year ago, Telefónica also announced the creation fireco to access rural Spain.