Next Saturday, December 17th, the Royal Theater in Madrid will host XXII Cofares Foundation Prizetraditional award that recognizes social work carried out by people, entities or organizations for the benefit of patients and social communities in need health care, as well as practices that result in education, information and improvement of the quality of life of citizens.

In previous years, the prizes have included the writer Raul Guerra Garrido, Farmacéuticos en Acción, Father Ángel, President of Mensajeros de la Paz and Fundación Reina Sofía, among others. This year the Cofares Foundation Prize will be presented to Pablo Ugarte Association for her important work in advancing research to fight childhood cancer. It is the private association that invests the most money in pediatric oncology research in Spain, donating more than €58,000 per month to 28 research groups from hospitals in different parts of Spain.

The act will present Classical Orchestra of Santa Cecilia, under the direction of Kainan Jones and with soloist Nicholas Varela Irvine. In the first part he will perform Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and in the second part he will perform a selection of film soundtracks.

After 28 editions, this concert is the longest in the sector, which, thanks to its relevance and influence managed to gather personalities that go beyond the field of health. This year, important personalities from the world of culture, business, the diplomatic corps and public administrations will once again take part in what is already a Christmas event par excellence.