Sentence Yolanda Diaz to ensure that supermarkets offer basic food packages at affordable prices and are inflation-proof has yet to be implemented. The vice-president of the government put forward this initiative three years ago, in connection with a sharp controversy over the possibility of setting price caps.

From the hands of the Minister of Consumption, Alberto WaiterThe head of the Ministry of Labor also brought together the main employers in the sector to address this issue. But they all expressed rejection of the approaches coming from the “home” part of the government. Only Carrefour, a few days before the meeting, launched a basket of basic products at a price of 30 euros, which also did not receive the support of the Minister of Labor due to its composition.

This Monday, the possibility that Diaz is in contact with companies to give new impetus to the initiative was discussed again. As posted this Monday Informationthe intention is to close the deal before the end of the year, although Diaz’s team declined to provide more details.

For their part, from interested employers, they say they have no news about it. In this sense, the sources interviewed state that there is “nothing new” in this regard and that contacts with the government are part of “the usual dialogue that we have with administrations”.

The initiative does not have the support of government portfolios with competencies in this matter: agriculture and trade.

Sources close to the minister Luis Planas They are convinced that the initiative will not be further developed, given the refusal of companies to take such actions, which may raise doubts about competition. On the other hand, from the department that manages maroto kingsThey are also unaware of Diaz’s plans.

Dia: “It’s not on the agenda”

In parallel with employers, some heads of large companies took a position on this issue. CEO of Grupo Dia, Martin Tokalchirassured last week that the company’s plans do not include the creation of a consumer basket with fixed prices.

Although he acknowledged that “the levels of inflation that we see in all countries affect the purchasing power of consumers,” he also assured that his “role is to fight to keep prices as low as possible” in a “supereconomic situations.” competitive environment such as food distribution.

From other companies such as lidl or In field, To questions from this environment, they refer directly to the position of their respective employers and assure that they have no news regarding the proposal of the Vice President of the Government.

“The question has remained unchanged for many weeks, that is, without news,” they state from the Large National Association of Distribution Companies (Anged), which also represents Carrefour, erotic or English court.

Other sector sources abound in the fact that Diaz and Garzon’s proposal is not being implemented. And they are addressing directly the internal debate within the ranks of the government regarding these kinds of measures, which aim at nothing more than making consumers’ pockets easier. “What is offered by some is blocked by others and vice versa.”, – explain the actors involved in conversations with the performer.

Setting price ceilings for some basic products can have implications for the entire value chain. An example is the one milk. So far this year, what producers receive has increased by 45%, while the final price of a liter of liquid milk for consumption has increased by only 25%. “Setting a price cap will further destroy the transforming tissue,” warns Luis Calaboso, CEO of Fenil, the National Dairy Federation, at a time when energy and raw material prices continue to rise.