The government announced on Tuesday, following the introduction of a new energy savings plan on Tuesday, significant changes to make users better understand electricity bills. Sources in the Ministry of Energy Transition consider “original” that all millions of clients of large marketers have “every possible details” on receipts, “sometimes difficult to understand.”

For this reason, Moncloa contacted various marketers in our country and appreciated the proposal of the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), which asked the Ministry of Transition to include more transparency in the receipt.

gas cap

According to ministry sources, one of the great innovations that will appear on the new electricity bill will be a detailed explanation of the amount allocated for the so-called Iberian exemption.

“We found that some marketers include the amount in the tax section, and we need to make it clear that this is not a tax, but a compensation,” they say from MITECO.

saving tips

The ministry launched an information campaign to encourage households and companies to try to save everything. gas and light possible. In addition to the information panels and media announcements coming out in the coming weeks, ways to save energy at home will also be included.

For example, according to sources at the Ministry of Transition, the average air conditioning temperature in homes, how to effectively ventilate the premises, which appliances to use or which light bulbs would be most suitable will be indicated.

What’s going on in your area?

In addition, the electricity and gas bills of consumers with less than kWh and consumption less than 50,000 kWh per year, respectively, will include a consumption comparison with similar consumers with the same zip code.

This measure is for the user to know and know what he is doing right or wrong in his monthly consumption and therefore transfers the economic amount to the bill.

When will we see changes?

So far, this question has not been answered. At this point, the Ministry of Environmental Transition needs to meet with the National Commission on Markets and Competition to come to an agreement to include changes to the electricity bill to make the receipts easier to read.

Sources from the energy sector in this sense warn that this idea will not be of immediate importance, as studies are needed, for example, to obtain sufficient data to develop an average consumption of a postal code.

Change in the regulated rate

It should be remembered that the Government has also launched a regulated tariff change, which proposes a weighted average price over a certain period of time, so that the 10 million customers covered by this tariff do not suffer from daily market ups and downs. .

The new rate proposes to include a medium-term and long-term price basket in the PVPC calculation formula to avoid strong fluctuations without losing short-term price targets that encourage savings and efficient consumption. In particular, it is proposed to distribute the distribution between the above products for a forward price signal in such a way that the monthly product is 10% of the total, the quarterly product is 36%, and the annual product assumes 54%. %.