Mango consumers are concerned about the size of the fruit; however, those who think that the more the better are mistaken. The launch of the sub-tropical delicacy campaign is marked by stagnation caused by end-user rejection: demand has fallen as a result of mango shrinking this season. “The quality of the mangoes from Malaga this year is impressive and the production has improved compared to the last mention. We could talk about historical vintage and we have some difficulties on a commercial level because people are not used to size. It is important to convey that although the product is smaller, it is the same or better than ever,” he notes in a conversation with Independent Benjamin Fowley, tropical fruit manager at ASAJA (Asahi Young Farmers Association) in Malaga.

Brix, which measures the total concentration of sucrose dissolved in a liquid – the sweetness of foods – reflects the reality surrounding fruit: the samples analyzed so far in this campaign reach 16 and even 17 degrees Brix and exceed 15–15. 5 degrees Brix. degrees Brix of the last campaign; “This year’s mangoes are even richer in flavor,” says Fowley.

The high summer temperatures both during the day and at night hinder the development of fruits with a particular tradition in the Malaga region. ASAJA regrets that “the size of the mango has remained very uniform since it was harvested in the area, and this year’s weather conditions make the size of the mango strange for the consumer.”

mango campaign

September usually marks the start of the mango campaign, but only in Malaga and Granada. The drought during the summer months and the earlier harvest time have resulted in the fruits being reduced year after year. In addition, a large production campaign “close to 30,000 tons” is expected, which will shake the price of mangoes. Supermarket chains, greengrocers and other outlets acknowledge that this year’s fruit is of high quality and that they are making a special effort because consumers are not used to buying fruits of this caliber and due to a lack of knowledge they are not demanding. Since there is no demand, prices fall more than usual, which creates a serious commercial problem, especially for the last link in the chain, which is the manufacturer. According to the Andalusian government’s Price and Market Observatory, this August, the price of mangoes was the lowest since 2014.

ASAJA Málaga insists on the “excellent quality” of this season’s Málaga mango despite its smaller size. “The campaign has only lasted two months and we are concerned that the situation has stalled. The product is of excellent quality, and the size is not a reason to doubt,” emphasizes Fowley. “We are in harvest season and farmers are not being rewarded for the tremendous effort put into making fruit available to the market.”

The association asks consumers to “take advantage of and trust in the high quality of the local product, as they have done so far, as it remains the same as in previous campaigns and that distribution networks support the consumption of Spanish mango.” “Let people eat mango, it’s delicious,” Fowley concludes.