The fifth day of the flight attendants’ strike at Ryanair by the USO and Sitcpla unions this Monday caused ten flights canceled and 43 more delayedwith a higher frequency in Barcelona El Prat Airport.

According to the USO, before 09:00, five of the ten suspended flights departed from Barcelona airport, four more arrived in Barcelona. Palma de Mallorca has suspended two outbound flights and two more arrival flights. There were also suspensions of flights in Hamburg (Germany); London, Milan and Rome, the last three heading to Barcelona.

Delays were most affected by Palma de Mallorca (10 delayed departures or arrivals), Barcelona (9 delayed), Malaga (6) and Madrid Barajas (4).

AT Alicante 4 flights departed or arrived late; in Ibiza, Seville and Girona – 3 in each case; in Santiago de Compostela, 1, and not in Valencia.

The two unions continue to strike on 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27 and 28 July at ten Spanish airports where Ryanair operates: in Madrid; Malaga; Seville; Alicante; Valencia; Barcelona; Girona; Santiago de Compostela; Ibiza and Palma de Mallorca.