Electricity Sustainability Bill (Fnsse)approved by the Council of Ministers could mean a reduction in electricity bills as well as an increase in the cost of non-electric energy use in Spain.

An analysis of the impact this will have on consumers by Sedigas shows that this measure will mainly affect the most depopulated areas and the most vulnerable consumers. In addition, the Alliance for the Competitiveness of Spanish Industry warned of negative consequences for the national industry if the law is not changed.

These analyzes show that the reform may reduce the price of electricity but increase fuel and gas bills for both citizens and companies. Thus, Fnsse will act, according to these analyzes, as a new tax on both fuel and natural gas, which implies the transfer of income from consumers of electricity to citizens, farmers, taxi drivers and businessmen who use fuel or use gas. naturally in its production.

Bottom will benefit residential electricity consumers and this will hurt gas consumers and everyone because of diesel and gasoline, as the cost will be around 7.5 euro cents per liter of fuel. If that were the case, then it would be a contradiction that the government is preparing an extension of the 20 cent per liter fuel discount, because at the same time it will levy an additional 7 cent “tax” on gasoline.

In addition, according to Sedigas’ analysis, the application of the National Electric System Sustainability Fund will create territorial disparities. Some parties and territories denounce that the new law will mean the transfer of income from the communities and provinces of the interior of Spain to coastal, sunny and beach areas and islands. In other words, consumers in colder areas in the interior of the peninsula, such as Teruel or Soria, will pay the “bill” for energy reform for being areas with a large consumption of gas and fuel, namely energy, which will increase its consumption. price to reduce the price of electricity. The analysis warns that this reallocation of costs across sectors will lead to a redistribution of income in favor of predominantly electricity consumers (urban, temperate and upper middle class) compared to the rest of society.

The Institute for Diversification and Energy Conservation (IDEE), subordinated to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, which participated in the preparation of this reform, in one of its latest reports compares gas consumption in the country, taking the Atlantic-northern, Mediterranean and continental zones as a basis. From the data it is concluded that the average gas consumption in the Cantabrian strip averages 7,143 kWh per household, in inland Spain it reaches 10,511 kWh per household, while in the Mediterranean and the islands it remains at 6,233 kWh.

Inland provinces, the coldest ones, consume on average 68% more gas than coastal and insular ones. Based on this data, the National Electricity Sustainability Fund, which, according to Ecological Transition Minister Teresa Ribera, “will allow electricity consumers to reduce their electricity bills by at least 13%,” can fine the territories that consume the most gas and fuel.