Home Politics Expenses on the corporate card of the DC in the field of view of the Legislative Assembly

Expenses on the corporate card of the DC in the field of view of the Legislative Assembly

Expenses on the corporate card of the DC in the field of view of the Legislative Assembly

Public disclosure of spending made by the State of Santa Catarina with public corporate cards is the goal of the bill, which is pending in Alesk (Legislative Assembly). This issue was discussed in the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission) on Tuesday (18).

The administrative center of the State Government of Santa Catarina – Photo: Ricardo Wolfenbüttel/Disclosure/NDThe administrative center of the State Government of Santa Catarina – Photo: Ricardo Wolfenbüttel/Disclosure/ND

The author of the project is Deputy State Deputy Adriano Martini, known as Adrianinho (PT). The Proposal Rapporteur in the CCJ is Deputy José Milton Scheffer (PP). At the request of the rapporteur, the draft will be sent to the GGE (General Auditor General) for analysis. The decision was unanimously approved on Tuesday morning.

According to the proposal, government bodies and organizations should disclose information such as:

  • Cardholder’s Name;
  • The name of the supplier of the good or service and the corresponding registration number in the CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) or in the CPF (Register of Individuals);
  • Discrimination of the purchased goods or services;
  • Amount, date and proof of expenses.

SC has a different model from the Union

Blog-requested CGE said it would review the bill. Also, according to the CGE, the state does not have a corporate card modeled on the Union.

The state has Cpesc (payment card of the state of Santa Catarina). According to the Secretary of State for Finance, the CPA was established by decree in 2013 “as a modern and transparent tool for budget execution using an advance system.”

“Its use is solely for the purchase of consumables and contracted services classified as emergency or urgent, of small size and fast payment, which avoids interruption of the service offered to the public and guarantees the effectiveness of public administration,” Sefaz said.

Cpesc spending can be accessed through the Transparency Portal.

transparency principle

According to the deputy, the project to disclose the costs of state corporate cards is aimed at observing the “principle of transparency.”

Deputy Adrianinho at the meeting - Photo: Vicente Schmitt/Disclosure/NDDeputy Adrianinho at the meeting – Photo: Vicente Schmitt/Disclosure/ND

An MP from Santa Catarina cited data on the use of corporate cards at the federal level and compared that it is impossible to obtain the same data in Santa Catarina.

“From January to August 2021, the Union paid about BRL 5.8 million for travel and living expenses to the family of the President of the Republic. However, in Santa Catarina, this information does not have the transparency that is expected in a democratic rule of law, which is one of the principles governing public administration,” Adrianinho said.

Also, according to the deputy, the disclosure of information is a right of a citizen and a legal and moral duty of persons holding public office.

Source: Ndmais


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