Home Opinion “Water Uber”? Video: crab carries a “pulsating” jellyfish on its back

“Water Uber”? Video: crab carries a “pulsating” jellyfish on its back

“Water Uber”?  Video: crab carries a “pulsating” jellyfish on its back

The crab became an object of curiosity among Internet users after biologist Enrique posted a video on Tiktok. The images show the animal carrying a sort of “throbbing and upside down” jellyfish, which is actually an andromeda cassiopea.

crabThe jellyfish “saddling” the crab is Andromeda Cassiopeia. Photo: Social Network/Disclosure

According to the biologist’s explanation, the carrier crab (the animal highlighted in the video) has a habit of “carrying” animals on its back, which can provide it with protection, camouflage, and other benefits. This animal takes mainly sea urchins and sea anemones with it, which can thus move around more easily thanks to the crab’s “Uber” service.

Enrique pointed out that this “help” from animals is called mutualism, a relationship between animals of different species that benefits both through interaction.

Watch full video:

Source: Ndmais


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