I want to see Ramon Tamames against Sanchezin a vote of no confidence, in a debate with the stopwatch of the GDR coach, in a duel of opponents like from sonnets, or in a real game of pétanque, without extras and a script, or from a low angle with the sun behind, like John Wayne petanque. I am of the opinion that Sanchez must always be confronted, must always be challenged. And you don’t see the gesture of condemnation so well anymore, even if you leave this condemnation on your forehead, like an inkwell imprinted on an eggplant suit. No, I would take the President even in first dateswith his tight jacket, turtleneck sweater and his Italian looks that flirt with turra and Limoncello. Yes, to be convicted of vanity and ignorance, like the melon that tried to examine the doctor and that this time brought the irreconcilable Spaniards to an agreement. In fact, it seems to me that dealing with Tamames is a waste of resources, mind and ink, to have programs Carlos Soberaislands of temptations and the like.